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 Strength and performance training can look very different depending on the various demands of your sport or daily activities. Whether you are training to dominate on the field or simply to get as strong as possible, your program will be designed especially for you to achieve your goals.

Now is the time to take your strength and performance to the next level! 

- Our Path, Your Journey -

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What to expect

Strength and performance training is a little different than weight loss training or general fitness training. To start, we ask: For what do you want to get stronger? In what do you want to improve your performance? Strength training for an endurance athlete certainly looks different when compared to strength training for a competitive kayaker! Once we know specifically what we are working toward, we can dial in your program from there. 

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While strength and performance programs vary based on your specific goals, key principles remain constant. For example, we apply the progressive overload principle, which is simply increasing weight, repetitions, or number of sets over time. As we progressively “overload” your system, your body is forced to adapt by getting stronger.

Strength and performance training can sometimes feel more challenging than other forms of exercise, as we are intentionally putting more stress on your system to elicit the desired response (i.e., increased strength, power, speed, etc.). Progressively, your body will be exposed to heavier loads, faster tempos, and dynamic movements designed to positively impact your desired sport or activities of daily living.


Training Prescription

As a strength and performance client, your dedication to what you do outside of the gym is just as important as the work you do inside the gym. Your training will be intense, but your focus on proper nutrition and recovery must also be a top priority to maximize your results and avoid injury.

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Typically, our strength and performance clients train at a frequency of 2-4 days per week. It is possible to see strength and performance improvements at a training frequency of 2 days per week, but we urge clients to work toward achieving a minimum of 3 weekly training sessions to see the best possible results. Not all of your training sessions have to be performed under our roof. We will provide independent programs to help you reach your target frequency.

Believe it or not, you don’t get stronger during your training session. We strategically tear down the body to make it stronger through the recovery process. Consistent exposure to this cycle of stress and recovery is what drives strength and performance improvements.

The key variables to recovery are nutrition and rest. We teach our clients how to establish appropriate nutritional habits such as consuming enough protein, drinking plenty of water, and eating the proper amount of food to fuel intense training sessions. When it comes to rest, we put a major emphasis on consistently achieving a quality night's sleep, and performing mobility protocols on your “off days” to enhance the rebuilding of muscle tissue.

I came to Scott and Will to prepare for being a college athlete. They made me more than ready as an athlete physically and as a person. They are caring and understanding and will always push you to be your best self and work as hard as you can. I don’t know where I’d be without them.
— Laughlin M.
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